Prepare Your Home for Winter Savings
September 9th, 2016Now is the time when we slowly begin to close up shop on our lawns and gardens, and start to prepare for winter’s big chill. But given the warm temperatures we’ve been experiencing, it may seem more like the start of summer as opposed to the end.
Still, as we wait for the show of fall colours and the leaves to drop, there are still plenty of chores we can tackle in anticipation of winter. And with the rising costs of energy, let’s focus our attention on those jobs that help use conserve energy and trim costs.
Weather stripping should be installed now. If yours is old, bent and/or loosened replace it with new material. Double-pane windows may not need weather stripping but if you feel cool air coming in, head down to the nearest hardware store.
Seal cracks and crevices in which mice can enter. Now is the time to inspect your home’s exterior and foundation. Look for openings large and small and be sure to cover them properly. Use a strong screening material or hardware cloth to cover exterior vents. Consider installing door sweeps to prevent pesky bugs and critters from invading your residence and preventing warm air from escaping.
Clean and install storm windows. They will help you prevent warm inside from escaping outdoors and they are a good deal less expensive than installing brand new double- and triple-pane windows.
Inspect your furnace and chimney. If this isn’t something you’re comfortable with hire a professional. Chimney fires can be especially dangerous so don’t give in to temptation on a chilly night before have your fireplace checked and, if needed, cleaned.
Dress up your windows with heavier window treatments. Thicker fabrics and materials will help your home retain its heat and save on your heating bills. Consider layering curtains over your blinds or swapping out lighter window coverings for heavier materials.
Install a programmable thermostat. These help you save on heating and cooling because the thermostat can be set to automatically change your home’s temperature, allowing temperatures to reduce when you’re not home or sleeping
Host a yard sale. Take advantage of the milder temps to rid your home of unwanted clutter. You likely won’t earn boatloads of money, but you will free up space in your home and garage and recycle once-loved items. If you are so inspired, get your neighbours in on the action and hold a mass end-of-summer lawn sale.
Earlier this year the province of Ontario announced a new program to help Ontarians improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The province is investing $100 million from the Ontario Green Investment Fund to provide rebates for home owners who conduct an energy audit on their property and then complete retrofits recommended by the auditor. See for more info.
In addition, many of Ontario’s electricity and natural gas utilities also offer incentives to help you save energy and save money on your electricity bill. Contact your local electricity or natural gas provider to learn more.