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Archive for the ‘Lifestyle Realm’ Category

Improve your neighbourhood by being a good neighbour

Friday, June 14th, 2013

When you’ve been in real estate as long as we have, your collective heap of horror stories about lousy neighbours begins to topple. Trust me, we’ve heard some doozies.

But rather than focus on the negative, we thought it better to look at the opposite. If real estate is all about location, the neighbourhood in which you live is a big part of that. As a resident within that neighbourhood, you play a key role in making it good, bad or just mediocre. So here’s to those long on friendly smiles, doing good deeds and exercising simple and helpful acts of kindness.

Here’s to being neighbourly:

Say hello – It helps to show you’re human. Wave, say hi or smile to your neighbours. This goes a long way toward building a pleasant environment. At the very least, it shows you’re extending a kindness to your neighbour and that there is some kind of expectation for a mutual greeting. It doesn’t mean you’ll be fast friends but it should earn you a few brownie points.

Keep the volume down – Eighties metal band Metallica might still be number one in your heart but not a favourite on your neighbours’ playlists. Keep the volume at a whisper. If you’re having an outdoor party, be sure to inform your neighbours, or better yet, invite them over. Be considerate of neighbours who are sick or at home with a newborn. Don’t mow your lawn at god-awful hours and if your dog is a barker, pay close attention and let him inside once the yowling begins.

Think beyond your four walls – Be considerate. If you share a wall with a neighbour, try not to place noisy appliances or electronics on the common wall. Be mindful of where you park your car. Don’t over-rev your engine or slam car doors too loudly early in the morning or late at night.



Get to know your neighbours – Do they have kids? Pets? Where do they work? How many actually live in the house? While acquiring this info may seem intrusive, knowing about their lifestyle helps you be a good neighbour. Knowing that you live next someone who works shifts, for example, helps you keep your outdoor noise level down during certain times of the day. It also arms you with the info needed to keep your neighbourhood safe. The recent discovery in Cleveland of a homeowner who imprisoned three women inside his house for nearly ten years is an extreme example of the segregation and mile-high fences we often build in neighbourhoods. Try reaching out instead.

The Annex Highlight: Studio 976

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

The sign on her salon says Studio 976 but everyone on the block knows her as Mary the Barber.

A fixture in the Annex for 34 years, Mary Vinci is a barber, hairstylist, confidante, major Leafs fan – you name it.

“I’ve watched people grow from when they were babies,” says the follicle goddess of her one-woman Bathurst Street empire that’s smack in between Dupont and Bloor. “I don’t do nails, sun tanning, pedicures. I strictly do hair. Because I’m a one woman operation here, it’s hard to do everything. Besides you’ve gotta stick with what you do best and do it well.”

The 55-year-old Italian-Canadian has groomed some great heads in her time. And she doesn’t discriminate – male or female, young or old, Muslim, Christian or Jew – she’s worked her aesthetic talent on them all.

Our family – my grandparents, my father, my uncle and my son – have surrendered to Mary’s charms: her capable hands, her colourful stories and her never-ending wit.

In 28 years, she’s been witness to my slow and regrettable hair loss, but having Mary tend to my crowning glory has somehow made it a little more bearable. She’s great for a laugh or to find out what’s going on in the neighbourhood.  A diehard Leafs fan, her clients know it’s the holiday season when Mary puts up her beloved blue-and-white Christmas tree.

About 70 per cent of Mary’s customers are men. Haircuts for men are $20, while for a women, it’s $25.

She’s proud of her 22 year-old daughter, who is following in her footsteps and currently apprenticing at a separate salon. Mary thought her daughter’s training in the business would be best done outside of her shop.

Thinking back on her early days, she recalls working for a lawyer after studying legal administration but she hated the office atmosphere because it was simply “too boring.”

“This is so much more fun,” she says of her 500 square foot salon. “I get to play around with people’s hair and make them look good and hear all their nasties.”

Had Mary not followed her heart we’d all be the lesser for it.




Four Decades of Sales Success

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

A lot can happen in the 41 year lifespan of a business. Today, I’m writing my inaugural blog via my computer and you’re reading this thanks to the internet. When my father Barry Freeman started Freeman Real Estate Ltd. in 1972 the concept of a digital world seemed like a far-off notion heard about only in sci-fi films. A blog was, well, it was unheard of.

The span of time we’ve spent on this corner of Toronto has been good to the Freeman family. I like to think that goodness funnels back to the customers we’ve acquired in real estate and other family businesses as well. Prior to launching his real estate company my father worked in the sofa manufacturing business. During the 1950s, ‘60s and into the 90’s, my grandparents, Max and Sarah Hartstone owned and operated Steven’s Milk, a neighbourhood variety store on Bathurst Street well known for its great products and located right next to where Freeman Real Estate Ltd. operates today.

To say the Freemans love real estate might be a bit of an understatement. My father started out in 1966 and my mother really immersed herself into the business in the mid 1980s. Given those genetics, I guess my fate was sealed in a way as I entered the business in 1989.

Those family ties shape the bonds we maintain in our business. What keeps our clients coming back after decades is owed in part to our strong sense of integrity and personalized, friendly service. As a medium-sized, family-run business we offer that unique something – call it tradition, personal care, pride and community – that real estate franchises can never replicate. Freeman’s growing team of 30-plus agents shares our vision as they seek to promote those same ideals in their day-to-day work.

Unlike the consumer of the 1970s and ‘80s, today’s buyers and sellers are overwhelmed by the massive amount of online information that’s available. There’s just so much to process. And that’s why the services of a professional realtor are so indispensable. Whether you’re a buyer or seller, the real estate sales process is a complex web of directions, decisions and choices best made with the guidance of experienced and caring professionals.

Let a four-decade history of sales success help you with your next transaction.

Crank Up Your (Green) Heat Know-how

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

In an ideal world, we’d all be beautiful and smart and the warm sun would shine down on our gorgeous, clever heads every single day of our very long lives. Alas, we live in a country with long and often fiercely cold winters. So how do we stay comfortable without burning holes in the atmosphere or our wallets?

Did you know that nearly 60 per cent of Canadians use a forced-air furnace to heat their homes, while 30 per cent use electric heat sources? According to Statistics Canada, natural gas and electricity were the most common types of energy used in 2007, accounting for 80 per cent of all energy consumed by Canadian households.

But there are more eco-friendly ways to heat your home this winter.

Pellet stoves are the new darlings of eco home heating. They are comparably inexpensive to install as many don’t require ventilation so no need for a chimney. They burn little compressed wood pellets that are cheaper to buy than firewood or even electricity, and best of all, they are a resource that can be renewed easily. Some burn corn or nut shells as well so there are options. Pellet stoves do require electricity, though, to keep the fan motor running. But that cost is small compared to other forms of electric heat.

Eco fireplaces might just sound too good to be true. Not only do they burn a clean and renewable resource known as liquid bio-ethanol, they’re easy to install and look quite stylish. The heat is very efficient as the fireplaces are flue-less so all of the heat stays in the room. They come in a variety of styles that include fireplace inserts that you place in your traditional fireplace and modern-looking, portable pieces of ‘fire’ furniture. Here’s the catch, though: while these eco fireplaces are good for room or spot heating, they can’t replace the kind of whole home heating you get from a furnace.

Geothermal energy or ground-source heat pumps capitalize on the constant temperature of the ground or of a nearby water source such as a pond or lake. Geothermal systems work thanks to a heat pump unit that’s connected to a loop of piping that is buried at a depth of six feet or more.  Water and antifreeze circulating through the piping absorbs the heat from the ground and takes it back into the house. The opposite occurs in summer when the system draws on the earth’s lower temperatures to cool a house. A heat exchanger draws energy from the liquid in the pipes to either heat or cool the home.

Solar home heating is perhaps the granddaddy of eco home heating as its long history will attest. Passive solar technology relies on the sun’s rays and doesn’t require mechanical or electrical devices. A good example of this is sunlight that lights or warms a room.

Active solar technology employs pumps and fans to transfer the sun’s power to where it’s needed. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems consist of solar panels that collect and convert sunlight into electricity to power your home. While this does require an initial investment, there are a number of programs that can help reduce the cost of the system.

Radiant heat is an interesting alternative to gas or electricity and it is also an ancient form of heating. Using invisible electromagnetic infrared waves, radiant heat doesn’t heat air but rather objects that come into contact with the rays. Once those objects heat up they radiate heat to other objects in the room. Examples of radiant heating are fireplaces and fireplace inserts, wood stoves, portable electric heaters and floors heated thanks to radiant tubing.

Knowing about these home-heating methods won’t necessarily turn up the heat on your real estate practice, but it will increase your eco capital while earning you a few brownie points. There’s nothing like enlightening clients to have them extolling your virtues to family and friends.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provide a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.

Play with Fire the Green Way

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

September always signals that bittersweet transition as summer passes into fall and the kids head off to school. But if we’re lucky, September can be one of the most gorgeous months of the year with that just-right temperature that allows you to still enjoy the outdoors without having to don sweaters or run for the nearest sprinkler.

It’s also a great time to hold end-of-summer barbecues or invite the neighbours over for your world-famous burgers. And while outdoor cooking and all that entails – smoked food, charcoal, lighter fluid, burning up a non-renewable resource such as natural gas – summons several big environmental no-nos, there are ways your eco footprint can tread a little more lightly. Here’s how:

Get Your Grill On:

Bear in mind that bigger is not always better. With gas grills, it’s important to know that gas burns much cleaner than basic charcoal, which emits carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.  Still, the carbon footprint emanating from the use of gas grills is pretty large when you consider the fuel you’re burning is non-renewable and that the amount of fuel needed to operate a gas barbecue is comparatively large.

Consider what material your grill is made of. Cast iron or stainless steel barbecues are non-toxic but look out for those made from chrome-coated aluminum, which becomes harmful when the aluminum oxidizes.

Explore the new and pricier generation of grills such as solar-powered, hydrogen-powered, electric barbecues and ceramic grills.

It’s been said that the most eco-friendly barbecues are those you build yourself. With some bricks and stones build a surround for your organic charcoal. Make sure it’s the right height so you’re not hurting your back and use a metal rack from an oven as your grill-top. Dead simple.

Fire Up the BBQ:

Barbecuing with charcoal produces more carbon monoxide and soot than any other method. Charcoal briquettes may contain sodium nitrate and coal dust. The way they’re processed contributes to deforestation so avoid them.

Instead, use organic or natural lump coal, a much greener alternative that still gives off that delicious smoky barbecue flavour. Lump coal has no additives or chemicals and it does not contribute to deforestation.

Avoid lighter fluids altogether. They’re known to contain harmful VOCs and are carcinogenic. Try twigs and old newspaper instead.

Vegetarian Barbecue, Anyone?

Nothing says barbecue like a nice steak, burger or sausage, right? Perhaps but environmentally speaking, we’d all be better off if we consumed less meat. Why? Well, that rib-eye you devoured comes at a pretty steep cost when you consider how much water it takes to produce it and the levels of harmful greenhouse gases produced by cows. Consider meat that’s organic or grass-fed. As an alternative, try more carbon-neutral proteins such as fish or chicken. Buy sustainable seafood.

Grill vegetables on your barbecue and mix them together in a salad. Pour on a blend of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, a squirt of mustard and a smidgeon of honey. Season with salt and pepper and fresh herbs from your garden.

Fruit is becoming a popular favourite on the grill. Try sliced pineapple seasoned with freshly cracked black pepper or grill peaches marinated in rum and butter and serve with ice cream.

Whenever possible buy locally grown and produced products. The thinking is that fewer chemicals go into growing and producing these foods plus there’s the added bonus that far less energy is used transporting them.

Throw a pizza on your grill, try salmon on a cedar plank or grill corn-on-the-cob right in their husks. Your possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

The same goes for our eco-evolution.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provide a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.

More than 50 ways to green your business

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Some of us get stymied by our lack of imaginations when it comes to trying new and untested frontiers. Sometimes we’re short on vision and, as a result, we lack the conviction needed to branch out and try new boundaries.

That’s one of the reasons we’ve come up with 56 ways to help you make your place of business more eco-friendly.

These green initiatives are part of a new program by the National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB), a non-profit group of realtors committed to greening the world in which we live. The program, which is aimed at businesses, is an opportunity for your company to dramatically improve its reputation as a leader of environmental citizenship.

Becoming a NAGAB member organization is a great way to build your brand and reach key audiences such as customers, suppliers and employees. NAGAB and its Greenrealestate® program are trusted brands that evoke high awareness levels among Canadian consumers and business leaders.

NAGAB provides corporations with a complete toolkit of communications support materials to help your company realize the full marketing and public relations benefits of your NAGAB affiliation. These can include a listing in the NAGAB Greenrealestate® office index three times a year, a company listing in each NAGAB e-newsletter which gets distributed to thousands of Canadian realtors and a NAGAB certificate for your lobby announcing your Greenrealestate® designation to corporate visitors.

Qualifying for the program is simple. As mentioned, we have a checklist of more than 50 initiatives that will make your company eligible. Your firm’s green plan might include replacing memos with email messages, installing low-flow aerators on sink faucets and changing the landscaping outside your office to include drought resistant plants. Or you might insulate all hot water pipes and tanks, apply window film to replace solar heat gain and use recycled laser and copier toner cartridges.

Toronto firms  Freeman Real Estate Ltd. & Market Point Realty  will become the first companies to display NAGAB’s Corporate Green Designation. A total of almost  50  agent in both companies ƒ have completed or are about to complete their accreditation as a Greenagent®.

The 40-year-old firm founded by Barry Freeman subsidized the cost of the program for its agents.

“It’s important to have agents who can talk intelligently about energy efficiency and sustainability,” says Freeman. “It’s also another skill set they can promote that sets them apart and that will hopefully earn them more money.”

Being a realtor with green credentials will automatically raise your status in the buying public’s eye. As society evolves and becomes more sensitive to matters of sustainability, you are positioned to step in, offer your know-how and seal the deal.

The Bathurst Street realtor scored an Emerald level – the highest ranking– thanks to the many green upgrades it made during a recent renovation of its site. Required initiatives for an Emerald rating are 20 or more, for a Jade level corporations need to implement 15 to 19 green projects and for a Turquoise designation it’s 10 to 15 initiatives.

In an effort to build awareness, NAGAB will also offer its new corporate program to real estate boards free of charge in the hopes that their green stewardship will ultimately trickle down to their membership. Boards and private companies that qualify will be entitled to offer the Greenrealestate® program to their agents at a 60 per cent discount.

“As a realtor who came through the age of consumption, it’s an honour to be at the forefront today leading our industry through the age of conservation,” says Freeman, whose real estate career began in 1966. “If we can get CEOs and presidents of real estate companies promoting the program from the top down it will encourage more agents to become certified. That’s good for our future and the health of our planet.”

Elden Freeman B.A., M.E.S, broker is the founder and executive director of NAGAB. Freeman says he believes that realtors can and should play an important role in educating their clients on increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For more information about NAGAB or to sign up for a coursevisit www.nagab.org. To contact Elden Freeman call  1-877-524-9494 or email him at  elden@nagab.org.



Green air conditioning: Cool enough for you?

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

It’s true, as Jane Austen once said that real comfort comes from home. But I’d like to interpret her words more literally. Real comfort does come from home but sometimes our homes need a helping hand providing that comfort.

By that, of course, I’m referring to air cooling systems that keep us comfortable during summer’s blazing heat. So, as air conditioning units blast more holes into the ozone layer, let’s consider what we can do to help our clients keep cool while staying green.

You can have a home that’s comfortable without air conditioning, say eco pundits. But you need to be mindful of your home’s ventilation, windows and double glazing and shading and insulation.

For starters, shade your house with awnings, pergolas, trees and other barriers that prevent the sun from getting into your windows and the rest of your home. Exterior rolling shutters are very effective but expensive, while solar screens, which look like standard window screens, also cut glare in addition to heat.  Double glazing your windows can cut the intake of summer heat inside your home by 30 per cent.

Ventilation is essentially that much-needed breeze that helps cool you down. This is assisted at times by ceiling or room fans.  Use fans to draw cool air from your basement or the cooler side of your home. During the summer, try to keep your house sealed tight during the day when heat and humidity are high. Ventilate at night either by opening windows or with fans. Don’t forget to turn on your stove fan and to open your chimney flue as these will help draw warm air out of your house.

Use insulation in your roof, ceiling and walls to repel that hot summer radiant heat.

Geothermal systems use the earth to heat and cool spaces and can be up to 40 percent more efficient at cooling a home than conventional air conditioners. But they are very pricey to install. Still, consumers might look to recoup some of the cost from government grants and incentive programs.

If using AC is your only option this summer, let’s look at ways to do so more efficiently.

Make sure your air conditioning unit is the right size for the job. Using one too small means your space won’t be well cooled plus this inefficiency will only drive up your energy costs as the unit overworks in vain to try to keep your space cooled.

Think about using new energy-saving air-conditioning technologies such as a two-stage compressor. Compressors use the most electricity but a two-stage compressor compresses less on cool days and more when it’s hot which saves energy. They can run at two different speeds so when it’s operating at a lower speed it’s using less power.

While new technologies tend to be pricier, there are easy and affordable steps you can take now. Installing a programmable thermostat is a great way to green your cooling system. Homeowners can program the thermostat to stay off when the home is vacant and to kick in once household members return for the day.

See to it that your air conditioning unit is maintained once per year. HVAC professionals should inspect and service your AC checking for refrigerant pressure, accessing the unit’s air flow and checking for leaks.

Chances are pretty good that your cooling system is old. By old I mean it was installed over ten years ago. If that’s the case, you should know that these systems operate well below today’s environmental and energy-efficiency standards. So think about replacing your existing unit with a newer, greener one.

In Canada, staying cool as the mercury soars is a standard we’ve come to expect. But it comes at a cost, both financially and environmentally. By using these options we can help save money while sparing our planet.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provide a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.



Let your home turf set an eco-example this summer

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

It’s difficult not to get a case of the open-air crazies at this time of year. Everyone is pruning and seeding or fertilizing and mulching or aerating and planting.  It’s infectious and perhaps a reaction to being cooped up indoors most winters.

While it’s fun to pretty up your outdoor space, it’s also important to be mindful of the impact beautiful gardens and lawns have on our environment. Perhaps the biggest consequence of this love affair with lawns is our unrestrained water consumption. Canadians are already big water abusers, using 350 litres per person per day. That amount jumps by 50 per cent in summer months thanks to outdoor water usage.

Ever heard of xeriscaping? It’s fuss-free gardening and landscaping that uses a minimal amount of water, time and effort. The concept, which is also known as drought-tolerant landscaping and smart scaping, was pioneered originally for desert regions but has spread to water-abundant places thanks to conservationists.

One of the most important things you can do when xeriscaping is to find plants that are native to your area. These are generally plants that sustain themselves on less water. Good selections are drought-tolerant plants that have long roots or succulents that store moisture in their leaves. Other good choices are plants that have fuzzy, waxy or silver leaves which either reflect the sun or lock in moisture.

Before you start planting you need to consider your soil. Improve it with organic matter. This encourages deep-rooted plants, which means plants can find their own sources of nutrients and moisture buried deep into the ground, unlike shallow-rooted vegetation.

Group plants based on their moisture needs with the more water-dependent located closer to the water source.  This limits the amount of water you need to spread around your grounds. Think about placing plants that are more water reliant in more shaded areas to limit evaporation of water.

Limit your lawn to flat areas which are easier to keep moist. You should limit the size and number of these sections by using drought-tolerant plants to surround the areas of turf. For the grassy areas take care to use drought tolerant species of grass rather than those that require much more water to thrive.

Water turf and garden areas no more often than once per week, but water deeply. This forces the plants to develop extensive root systems. Drip irrigation from a soaker hose reduces the amount of water lost to evaporation by sprinkler systems. Or collect water from your roof in rain barrels.

Mulch soil to prevent water evaporation, maintain an even, cool soil temperature and prevent the germination of weed seeds. For ornamental gardens, choose mulch that is as natural in appearance as possible and that will eventually break down and become soil. Consider chopped leaves or pea gravel. The best time to lay mulch is in late spring after the soil has warmed, but before summer’s heat begins.

There is plenty of information online about what grasses, shrubs and plants are best for xeriscaping. Favoured perennials are the Black-Eyed Susan and Poppies, while good grasses include Maiden Grass and Little Bluestem.

The most obvious benefit of xeriscaping will be your lower water bills, but there are plenty more. Think of the neighbourhood cachet you’ll draw as the house with the eco-garden. Think of the extra time you’ll save cutting your lawn. When other garden beds begin to wither thanks to water restrictions, yours will flourish.

This is a type of gardening we’re sure to hear more about as the cost of water rises and more people warm to conservationist issues.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provides a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494; Email elden@nagab.org.


Reduce Your Kitchen’s Carbon Footprint by Cooking Green

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

If the family room is the emotional centre of a house, the kitchen is its heart and soul.

It’s where we do a lot of living. And as such, it’s one of the more expensive areas of a home to build, to renovate and to keep running smoothly and efficiently. It’s also an area we can easily overlook in our quest to raise our environmental know-how.

Installing faucet aerators and shopping at Whole Foods are great for our eco-consciousness but there is so much more homeowners can do to lessen their impact on the environment and to save money in the meantime.

About 30 per cent of your household energy use takes place in the kitchen. Because energy guzzling appliances are a big part of the kitchen, it’s important to rethink or relearn how to use them. According to Kate Heyhoe, author of Green Cooking: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint in the Kitchen, this can be done without sacrificing your favourite recipes.

Your overall cookprint – which is what Heyhoe calls the environmental impact created when you eat and cook – is what we need to begin shrinking. You’ve heard this term elsewhere, more likely as sustainable eating.

The oven is an energy hog or as Heyhoe puts it, the Humvee of the kitchen. As only about six per cent of the fuel used for an oven goes toward active cooking, try using a toaster oven or your cook-top instead. Try more passive cooking. Reconsider the length of time you preheat the oven and give it a try without any preheating time at all. Consider turning the oven off 10 or 15 minutes earlier than the prescribed cooking time which allows the food to finish cooking from heat already built up inside the oven. Try softening noodles by soaking them first in boiling water.

Many green foodies abhor microwave ovens, but they probably don’t know that they consume far less energy than a stove. The beauty of a microwave is that it doesn’t heat up your kitchen and lead you to turn up your air conditioning. Try not to use them to defrost foods, though, because that’s simply wasteful. Thawing food overnight in your fridge is best.

Did you know that convection ovens produce 30 per cent less greenhouse gases than conventional ovens?

Many kitchen faucets are controlled by a single valve. If you leave the handle tilted to the hot side (usually the left) and turn that on, you fire up the hot water tank even when you don’t want hot water. Simply leaving it turned to the right saves so much energy.

Teflon cookware and single-serving containers are two of Heyhoe’s biggest pet peeves. Teflon is not only toxic but often poorly made and therefore easily disposable. Single-serving containers of yogurt and individual bottles of iced tea add needless waste to our landfill sites. Consider instead brewing your iced tea at home or eating your yogurt from a bowl or lunch-box container.

Since kitchens generate the most waste of any room in the house, start by minimizing the excess packaging you purchase at the supermarket. Buy fresh, unwrapped produce, avoid buying in bulk and huge portions unless you eat in bulk or have a big family to feed. Reuse plastic bags, glass jars and packaging. And don’t forget to compost your organic waste.

The toxins that go into dishwashing soap, floor and glass cleaners, detergents and the gamut of household cleaners we use in our kitchens is frightening. There are solutions with cleaning products that are non-toxic, biodegradable and plant-based. Or consider making your own household cleaning products from such kitchen staples as baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar.

While we should celebrate the earth every day of the year, April brings us Earth Day on the 22nd as a reminder. Consider sharing some of these tips with your clients. The earth will thank you for it.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provides a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.



Use March to Shed Some Light

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

There’s a reason they call it March Break. It’s around the time when children and adults yearn for milder climates and a reprieve from the cold, dull grey of winter.

If travelling to warm, sunny spots is impossible at this time of year, consider brightening the interior of your home or office with lighting. But not just any old lighting. We’re talking about eco-lighting.

Lighting your interior space the green way is a good first step on the path to environmental awareness and action. It’s comparatively inexpensive to other eco initiatives so if this is your client’s first foray into going green, it’s a good way to go. Keep in mind, too, that their eco efforts are likely to pay off in reduced energy bills so the return on investment is well worth it.

We all know about incandescent light bulbs, those energy guzzling lights that cast a beautiful, warm glow unparalleled, some say, by compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and LEDs. Many governments have passed measures to phase out incandescent bulbs in favour of more energy-efficient choices. In Canada, that ban was scheduled to take effect in 2012, but the government has postponed it until 2014.

Incandescents waste energy because they need to heat up substantially to operate, have a short life span and need to be repeatedly replaced and discarded, which jams up landfill sites.

CFLs have long been touted as the ideal replacement for incandescent light bulbs. They use up less than 25 per cent of the energy required to run incandescents and are known to last up to ten times longer. While these benefits are considerable, these lights are far from perfect. The bulbs issue a harsh light that doesn’t compare to incandescent. More importantly, they contain mercury, a toxic substance and they should be specially disposed of, a fact of which many consumers aren’t aware.

LEDs (light emitting diodes)are viewed as the next generation in home lighting as they’re more energy efficient than CFLs, burn little heat and contain no poisonous gases. Their life spans are remarkable, lasting up to 35,000 hours or about 16 years based on six hours of daily use.

LED lamps can be easily recycled with regular glass products and should they end up in a landfill heap, no lasting environmental damage will be sustained as they contain no toxic chemicals. Finally, unlike CFLs, LEDs have improved their technology so that light bulbs are available in warm, cool and neutral tones. They also come in many different models and styles.

LEDSare made using as many as 180 bulbs per cluster, and encased in diffuser lenses which spread the light in wider beams. When they were first produced they were limited to single-bulb use in instrument panels, electronics, pen lights and, more recently, strings of indoor and outdoor Christmas lights.

On the down side, LEDs are not known for their brightness. And they’re expensive starting at around $35 and up. This expense when compared with incandescent and CFL lighting seems to be the major sticking point right now in the market. Still, consumers are beginning to understand how economical LEDs are to operate. And as their price continues to drop many are warming to the idea of installing LEDs in their homes and offices.

A cost comparison by www.eartheasy.com on running the three main types of lights for 50,000 hours shows incandescents at over $350, CFLs at nearly $90, while LEDs come in at almost $66.

Knowing LEDS cost more upfront isn’t as painful when you consider the long-term savings you gain in running them. Think of it as the price of shedding new light onto your life.

The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provides a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.





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