Buyers Take Heart
In today’s scorching hot real estate market it’s easy as a buyer to become discouraged as each house you love gets lost under a pile of bids that come in at ridiculously high sums over the asking price.
Take comfort knowing that there are situations, though rare, where it’s not always about the top dollar for the seller. An American couple made international headlines in March when they opted to sell their Oakville home for $150,000 less than the highest bidder thanks to a heartfelt letter they received from the buyers.
The Sohs, a family of six with four children between 9 and 14, told the sellers that the family had returned changed from a six-week missionary trip to Africa, where they visited slums and taught in village schools. Returning to their 3,600-square-foot home, the Sohs realized the space was too large. They decided they would sell their current home and find something cheaper so the family could use the money saved for good works.
Here is some of what they wrote:
‘Our desire is to downsize and live simply so others may simply live,’ they wrote. ‘The gift of your home would allow us the freedom to do more mission trips and it would free up more of our finances to take care of the poor and needy and build His Kingdom. This would also allow us to further build in our children what has been planted in their hearts, to love those in need more than the things of this world.’
They are trading in 3,600 square feet for a home of 1,983 square feet.
The home, in original condition on a pool-sized, pie-shaped lot, was listed for $789,000. The Sohs paid $200,000 over asking. They were one of 14 offers on the property.
The Crofts, who now live outside of Denver, said they wanted to sell their home to a family who would treasure the community they lived in for 15 years. They had a dollar figure in mind that would make for an easy move and purchase of a home in Colorado. They don’t see taking less money as a loss. “When that number was met, we thought, ‘What’s enough? What’s the point?’” Michelle Croft told the Toronto Star.
Adding a personal touch to an offer is nothing new in Toronto real estate. And while it seems like a lot of extra work, it may just be worth the effort. Work at winning over the seller but please be authentic because most people can smell phoney baloney claims, lies and insincerity.
Be creative and original. Tell the sellers what you love about their home and how you plan to enjoy it. Introduce them to your family. Include a photograph, as the Sohs did. If writing is not your thing, consider introducing your family and your story to them via video. Who knows? Your story may just give you the added edge.