Thumbs Up to Area Green-Thumb Sharing Program
Garden sharing is a truly great way to interact with your neighbourhood either as a gardener pulling weeds or turning over soil or as the homeowner supplying a green space for someone to nurture and tend to.
The Stop Community Food Centre, a non-profit organization targeting the issues of hunger and poverty, is introducing YIMBY, a program that connects people who love to garden but don’t have the space with those who have space but no time or inclination.
YIMBY stands for Yes In My Back Yard, which is a pointed example of how The Stop brings people together around food in an environment that’s positive and inclusive.
“What the stop does well is demonstrate how being around food can be transformational in terms of health and in terms of relationships with other people,” says Kathe Rogers, The Stop’s communications manager. “Whatever the motivation for participating, YIMBY is working to build community and strengthen relationships between people who might not have otherwise met.”
As one of Canada’s most popular outdoor recreational activities, backyard gardening allows you:
- access to fresh, organic produce at a much-reduced cost than retail
- to reduce harmful chemicals and pollution in the environment
- to grow rare and unusual plants that are difficult to find elsewhere
- satisfaction knowing you’re getting fresh air, exercise and doing something good for your community
Unfortunately, in big cities such as Toronto and Vancouver gardening can be a tough row to hoe for many. Think about the many Torontonians who don’t have access to available land for growing fruits and veggies. Or on the flip side, how about those who have access to a yard but are restricted by time, physical ability or lack of interest.
For some, participating in a garden sharing program is simply about sharing the love – being neighbourly and concerned about fellow citizens enough to want to donate their backyard or, conversely, their time to garden.
The Stop acts as a connector, helping to set up garden-sharing matches. The Stop offers a tool-lending library, free gardening workshops to enhance your skills, some free seedlings, a community seed exchange, and opportunities to meet and learn from other gardeners.
YIMBY connects people to garden in the neighbourhoods around The Stop’s two locations, The Green Barn at Christie and St. Clair, and its second site at Davenport and Symington. This area extends roughly from Bloor up to Rogers/Vaughan Rd, and from Bathurst over to Dundas W./Old Weston Rd.
For more info on YIMBY or to get involved contact Mik at 416-651-7867, ext. 27 or email
Tags: environment, garden, organic, real estate, YIMBY