Test Your Eco Smarts!
You call yourself a tree hugger, perhaps a green activist or super saver of the world, but how well do you really understand eco-issues concerning the planet?
Oftentimes, it’s not until we compare our knowledge to someone else that we realize how little or how much we really do know. So in the spirit of fun and self-improvement, we’ve put together an amusing and informative (and very unscientific) quiz that will help you understand how earth-friendly you really are. Who knows? Maybe your efforts are worthy of a prestigious environmental award. And then again, maybe not.
Let’s begin:
1. When it comes to public transportation you think:
- The prospect is revolting
- You’ll consider it when your car breaks down
- That’s the only way to go
2. Vehicles are better if:
- They guzzle gas, torque and possess every possible bell and whistle
- They get a moderate rate of fuel efficiency
- You don’t hop in them for your every move
3. What’s not safe to throw out in your trash?
- Your mother-in-law
- Dryer lint
- Household hazardous waste
4. How do you dry your clothes?
- I dry clean everything
- In the dryer
- On a clothes line or rack
5. Your plastic shopping bags are used as:
- Fire starters
- I prefer to use my cloth bags
- I re-use them for other uses such as garbage bags
6. What does CFL stand for?
- Crazy For Life
- Canadian Football League
- Compact Fluorescent Light
7. Your showers are:
- So long we had to install a second hot water tank
- Twenty minutes followed by electricity guzzlers such as heat lamps, towel warming racks and a blow-dry
- Ten minutes tops
8. Global warming is:
- A silly myth perpetuated by over-the-top nature lovers
- Believed by some to be a threat to the earth
- A scientifically proven fact
9. What room in the house generates the most household waste?
- The bathroom – obviously.
- The garage
- The kitchen
10. The Slow Food Movement is about:
- Chewing food more slowly
- An exercise that slows down your metabolism
- Enjoying real, healthy food and moving away from fast food
Green Lite:
If you answered mostly As, you’re a pale version of green. You like to profess your love of the environment when others are listening, but in reality you’re affection for green centres mainly on money and ogres. Get a grip. Know that it’s up to each and every one of us to do our part for the planet. Start with baby steps and build up from there.
Getting -There Green:
Mostly B answers nets you this very respectable showing. Getting-There Green means exactly that – you’re on your way to becoming a pillar of the green movement. You understand the issues and you comply with many of the ways that show your solid understanding of green concerns. Try to deepen your knowledge this year and begin passing your knowhow on to others. There’s nothing like playing an expert to turn you into one.
The Gandhi of Green:
Need we say more? This category means you’re at the pinnacle of eco-consciousness in all you know and do. Being kind to the earth is so innate that you would be wise to spread your gift to those around you, either formally or informally. Consider teaching or writing. As a green master, wasting your ability would be a shame. But you already knew that.
The National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (NAGAB) provide a Greenbroker and Greenagent certification program to Realtors across Canada. To get more information or to sign up for a course, visit www.nagab.org. Elden Freeman M.E.S., AGB, broker is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization. 1-877-524-9494 Email elden@nagab.org.