Living Large in Smaller Spaces
There’s no time like the present to be an advocate for living in smaller spaces.
Minimalism is trending like never before and home de-cluttering organizers are the balm for our over- consumerized soul. Look at the popularity of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing guru whose books have sold millions around the world and who has a popular Netflix series about how to live better with less.
At some point in our lives, we will likely need to live in spaces that are smaller than what we’re accustomed to. Maybe you’re faced with downsizing and selling your four-bedroom for a two-bedroom condo? Perhaps you’re a single professional looking to get into the real estate market? Or maybe you’ve experienced job loss and a reduction in income that necessitates a less costly living space? Change is seldom easy so let’s consider ways to make the transition a bit smoother:
Keep it tidy:
Smaller spaces get dirty and cluttered much more quickly than bigger spaces. Spend time thinking about ways to organize your new home so that it looks comfy without being messy. Everything should have a home, preferably out of sight, though this isn’t always possible. Consider your walls as they often don’t get used enough for storage. Use pegboards, shelving and the many customizable racks for storage as well as display purposes.
Lighten up:
Always been a fan of furniture that is big, heavy and weighty-looking? Time to change it up. Overstuffed sofas and chairs will overpower your space, making your lay-out look cramped and overwhelming. Go for lighter styles such as coffee tables and chairs that show off their legs. That results in the illusion of more space as the look is more orderly and light. Consider multi-functional furniture, a coffee table that doubles as a dining table and wheels on tables and seating so they can be easily moved out of the way. And watch what colours you choose as a lot of dark shades may also work to overpower your space. Same goes for window coverings and paint.
Change the scenery:
You may experience cabin fever in your new smaller digs. Find places outside your home that offer you comfort, joy, amusement and peace. Is that favourite coffee shop with the Zen vibe a place you like to linger and people watch? Do you get a kick from observing the fast twists and turns performed at your local skateboard park? Or maybe your thing is a comfy chair and the kind of quiet and solitude that befits your local library?