Sorry, Eh? But Here’s Our Quiz on Patriotism
Do you bleed red and white? Are you pulling out tissues at the first few bars of O Canada? Do you feel a deep emotional attachment to your country? Then you may be way more patriotic than you think.
In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday, take our fun and totally unscientific quiz to see how you rate when it comes to true, patriot love:
- Do you own clothing with a Canadian flag on it?
__A. Yes, totally
__B. Maybe…
__C. Absolutely not
- Do you own clothing that bears other symbols of Canadiana such as a beaver, a moose or a hockey stick?
__A. Sure do
__B. Maybe when I was in grade school
__C. No. That’s ridiculous
- Ever painted your face or the face of your child red and white?
__A. Every Canada Day, pretty much
__B. In university, I woke up after a party and found my face looking quite nationalistic
__C. That’s just silly
- When you hear people criticize your country, how do you react?
__A. I go into full-on attack mode
__B. Let sleeping dogs lie
__C. Nothing. They’re probably right
- What happens when you hear O Canada?
__A. I jump up and sing loudly and proudly
__B. I try to sing the parts I know
__C. Nothing, quite frankly
- How do you show support for your favourite hockey team during the play-offs?
__A. I hang a flag on my car and paint team colours on the garage door
__B. Might buy beer or pop with the team’s logo on it
__C. What are play-offs?
- What does Canada Day mean to you?
__A. An opportunity to show my devotion and enduring loyalty to my homeland
__B. I love the fireworks and food
__C. A three-day weekend
- Canada’s biggest contribution to the world stage has been…
__A. Our peacekeeping efforts around the globe
__B. Poutine, without a doubt, followed by Drake
__C. Peanut butter
If you answered mostly As you are a deeply devoted patriot, through and through. Loyalty could be your middle name; you’re that much in love with Canada. Red and white is your favourite colour combination and it shows in everything from your fashion style to your home décor.
If you answered mainly Bs you rate about average on the scale of flag wavers. Never one to rah-rah too loudly for your country, you approach patriotism with a lukewarm enthusiasm. You’re difficult to read because one can never tell if that expression on your face is one of pain or pleasure.
Answering mostly Cs means there’s no hope for you. You’re about as patriotic as Benedict Arnold. Sorry, eh?