Freeman Named in Can-Lit Author’s Latest Book
In real estate the mantra of location, location, location exists because it’s pretty much dead on. The same rule also applies to businesses. Locating in a family-friendly neighbourhood marked by ethnic and religious diversity, amazing arts and culture institutions, brisk commerce, great restaurants and lively coffee shops doesn’t automatically earn your company a formula for success. But let’s face it, given the ballyhoo a neighbourhood like that can generate, it certainly can’t hurt.
Of course, we’re talking about the Freeman Real Estate neighbourhood, known more broadly as the Annex but more specifically as Seaton Village or the West Annex. Toronto is known as the City of Neighbourhoods with good reason. It has 140 of them. Those are official. The unofficial number of Toronto neighbourhoods is in the neighbourhood of about 240.
Award-winning Canadian novelist, playwright, actor and broadcaster Ann-Marie MacDonald uses the Annex neighbourhood as the backdrop to a number of scenes in her latest book Adult Onset. We’re proud to point out that Freeman Real Estate gets a mention twice in her latest novel as the main characters wend their way in and around Bathurst and Bloor streets.
MacDonald’s book is peppered with references to familiar haunts near our location at 988 Bathurst, which is on the west side between Bloor and Dupont. Honest Ed’s, Fiesta Farms, Secrets From Your Sister, Stephen’s Groceries (cited as Archie’s Variety in the book) and coffee shops all rate a mention.
MacDonald tells Canadian Press recently why she decided to name real-life businesses in her latest work:
“I thought: ‘Gee I’m going for it here. I’m really going to set it here, here’s Bathurst and Bloor and this may or may not fly with people,”‘ she said. “Because everyone likes to kick Toronto around. Like, internationally we’re known for some very important things but we’re not known for our neighbourhoods. And the rest of Canada likes to resent us for some fantasy of what they think Toronto is.”
We like Ann-Marie’s explanation. Thanks for giving our neighbourhood the attention it deserves.