As realtors we’re in people’s homes all day long so think about the possibilities that presents.
Being that close to the public, their loved ones and their most prized possessions all at once opens the door for exchanges that are often frank, personal and illuminating.
And just as I learn and grow from my clients, I know how privileged we are as real estate professionals to have that platform to spread the word, whatever that word might be.
In my case, the word is all about environmental issues affecting homes, especially older homes. And that’s why in 2006 I thought it was high time that realtors act as a conduit to educate their clients on energy conservation and sustainability. Up until then, so much of our efforts had been placed on greening new homes, when most of our housing stock is actually older, energy-inefficient homes.
That when I got the idea for NAGAB, which stands for the National Association of Green Agents and Brokers. As Canada’s largest non-profit group of realtors dedicated to environmental awareness, NAGAB offers green programs that lead to designations for agents and brokers. These designations give realtors the real-world green expertise that they can then pass on to their clients.
My idea for a green association geared to realtors earned support from industry notables such as Royal LePage CEO Phil Soper, whom I had never met, and Mike Kalles of Harvey Kalles Real Estate. They jumped on board early on and together we began to conceptualize what our green association would look like.
With this novel and much needed idea in hand, we approached the federal ? government for seed money and in the intervening seven years have managed to build a large non-profit that has not only educated the public about eco issues, but also helped reduce carbon emissions and lessened our dependence on foreign energy.
Environmental issues have always been near and dear to me. I graduated from York University in 1987 with a master’s degree in environmental studies. Two years after graduation, I joined the family business started by my father 41 years ago. I practice what I preach. I use solar panels in my home, grow native and vegetable gardens and drive a car that’s considered energy efficient.
Most importantly, our Freeman agents, all of whom have received accreditation from NAGAB, are spreading the word to their clients. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that what goes around comes around.